Enables users to pick from a list of options displayed in a dropdown.
<script lang="ts">
import { Combobox } from "bits-ui";
import { CaretUpDown, Check, OrangeSlice } from "$icons/index.js";
import { flyAndScale } from "$lib/utils/index.js";
const fruits = [
{ value: "mango", label: "Mango" },
{ value: "watermelon", label: "Watermelon" },
{ value: "apple", label: "Apple" },
{ value: "pineapple", label: "Pineapple" },
{ value: "orange", label: "Orange" }
let inputValue = "";
let touchedInput = false;
$: filteredFruits =
inputValue && touchedInput
? fruits.filter((fruit) => fruit.value.includes(inputValue.toLowerCase()))
: fruits;
<Combobox.Root items={filteredFruits} bind:inputValue bind:touchedInput>
<div class="relative">
class="absolute start-3 top-1/2 size-6 -translate-y-1/2 text-muted-foreground"
class="inline-flex h-input w-[296px] truncate rounded-9px border border-border-input bg-background px-11 text-sm transition-colors placeholder:text-foreground-alt/50 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-foreground focus:ring-offset-2 focus:ring-offset-background"
placeholder="Search a fruit"
aria-label="Search a fruit"
class="absolute end-3 top-1/2 size-6 -translate-y-1/2 text-muted-foreground"
class="w-full rounded-xl border border-muted bg-background px-1 py-3 shadow-popover outline-none"
{#each filteredFruits as fruit (fruit.value)}
class="flex h-10 w-full select-none items-center rounded-button py-3 pl-5 pr-1.5 text-sm capitalize outline-none transition-all duration-75 data-[highlighted]:bg-muted"
<Combobox.ItemIndicator class="ml-auto" asChild={false}>
<Check />
<span class="block px-5 py-2 text-sm text-muted-foreground">
No results found
<Combobox.HiddenInput name="favoriteFruit" />
<script lang="ts">
import { Combobox } from "bits-ui";
<Combobox.Input />
<Combobox.Label />
<Combobox.ItemIndicator />
<Combobox.Separator />
<Combobox.Arrow />
<Combobox.HiddenInput />
API Reference
The root combobox component which manages & scopes the state of the combobox.
Property | Type | Description |
disabled | boolean | Whether or not the combobox component is disabled. Default:
false |
multiple | boolean | Whether or not the combobox menu allows multiple selections. Default:
false |
preventScroll | boolean | Whether or not to prevent scrolling the body when the menu is open. Default:
true |
closeOnEscape | boolean | Whether to close the combobox menu when the escape key is pressed. Default:
true |
closeOnOutsideClick | boolean | Whether to close the combobox menu when a click occurs outside of it. Default:
true |
loop | boolean | Whether or not to loop through the menu items when navigating with the keyboard. Default:
false |
open | boolean | The open state of the combobox menu. Default:
false |
onOpenChange | function | A callback that is fired when the combobox menu's open state changes. Default:
undefined |
selected | object | The value of the currently selected item. Default:
undefined |
onSelectedChange | function | A callback that is fired when the combobox menu's value changes. Default:
undefined |
portal | union | Where to render the combobox menu when it is open. Defaults to the body. Can be disabled by passing Default:
undefined |
highlightOnHover | boolean | Whether or not to highlight the currently hovered item. Default:
true |
name | string | The name to apply to the hidden input element for form submission. Default:
undefined |
required | boolean | Whether or not the combobox menu is required. Default:
false |
scrollAlignment | enum | The alignment of the highlighted item when scrolling. Default:
'nearest' |
inputValue | string | The value of the combobox input element. Default:
undefined |
items | Selected[] | An array of items to add type-safety to the Default:
undefined |
onOutsideClick | function | A callback function called when a click occurs outside of the element. If Default:
undefined |
touchedInput | boolean | The touched state of the input. When the menu closes, the state is reset to Default:
false |
Slot Property | Type | Description |
ids | object | The ids of the elements within the component, useful when you don't necessarily want to provide a custom ID, but still want access to the ID being assigned (if any). |
The element which contains the combobox's items.
Property | Type | Description |
transition | function | A Svelte transition function to use when transitioning the content in and out. Default:
undefined |
transitionConfig | TransitionConfig | The configuration to apply to the transition. Default:
undefined |
inTransition | function | A Svelte transition function to use when transitioning the content in and out. Default:
undefined |
inTransitionConfig | TransitionConfig | The configuration to apply to the transition. Default:
undefined |
outTransition | function | A Svelte transition function to use when transitioning the content in and out. Default:
undefined |
outTransitionConfig | TransitionConfig | The configuration to apply to the transition. Default:
undefined |
side | enum | The preferred side of the anchor to render against when open. Will be reversed when collisions occur. Floating UI reference. Default:
undefined |
sideOffset | number | The amount of offset to apply to the menu's position on the x-axis. Floating UI reference. Default:
0 |
align | enum | The preferred alignment of the anchor to render against when open. Floating UI reference. Default:
undefined |
alignOffset | number | An offset in pixels from the 'start' or 'end' alignment options. Floating UI reference. Default:
0 |
avoidCollisions | boolean | When Default:
true |
collisionBoundary | union | A boundary element or array of elements to check for collisions against. Floating UI reference. Default:
undefined |
collisionPadding | number | The amount in pixels of virtual padding around the viewport edges to check for overflow which will cause a collision. Floating UI reference. Default:
0 |
fitViewport | boolean | Whether the floating element should be constrained to the viewport. Floating UI reference. Default:
false |
sameWidth | boolean | Whether the content should be the same width as the trigger. Floating UI reference. Default:
false |
strategy | enum | The positioning strategy to use for the floating element. Floating UI reference. Default:
absolute |
overlap | boolean | Whether the floating element can overlap the reference element. Floating UI reference. Default:
false |
asChild | boolean | Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. Default:
false |
el | HTMLDivElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to programatically interact with the element. Default:
undefined |
Slot Property | Type | Description |
builder | object | The builder attributes and actions to apply to the element if using the |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-combobox-content | —— | Present on the content element. |
A combobox item, which must be a child of the Combobox.Content
Property | Type | Description |
label | string | The label of the item, which is displayed in the menu. Default:
undefined |
value | unknown | The value of the item. Default:
undefined |
disabled | boolean | Whether or not the combobox item is disabled. This will prevent interaction/selection. Default:
false |
asChild | boolean | Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. Default:
false |
el | HTMLDivElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to programatically interact with the element. Default:
undefined |
Slot Property | Type | Description |
builder | object | The builder attributes and actions to apply to the element if using the |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-state | enum | The state of the item. |
data-disabled | —— | Present when the item is disabled. |
data-highlighted | —— | Present when the item is highlighted, via keyboard navigation or hover. |
data-combobox-item | —— | Present on the item element. |
A representation of the combobox input element, which is typically displayed in the content.
Property | Type | Description |
placeholder | string | A placeholder value to display when no value is selected. Default:
undefined |
asChild | boolean | Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. Default:
false |
Slot Property | Type | Description |
attrs | object | Additional attributes to apply to the element if using the |
label | string | The label of the currently selected item. |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-combobox-input | —— | Present on the input element. |
A label for the combobox input element, which is typically displayed in the content.
Property | Type | Description |
asChild | boolean | Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. Default:
false |
el | HTMLLabelElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to programatically interact with the element. Default:
undefined |
Slot Property | Type | Description |
builder | object | The builder attributes and actions to apply to the element if using the |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-combobox-label | —— | Present on the label element. |
A hidden input element which is used to store the combobox menu's value, used for form submission. It receives the same value as the Select.Value
component and can receive any props that a normal input element can receive.
Property | Type | Description |
asChild | boolean | Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. Default:
false |
el | HTMLInputElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to programatically interact with the element. Default:
undefined |
Slot Property | Type | Description |
builder | object | The builder attributes and actions to apply to the element if using the |
An optional arrow element which points to the content when open.
Property | Type | Description |
size | number | The height and width of the arrow in pixels. Default:
8 |
asChild | boolean | Whether to use render delegation with this component or not. Default:
false |
el | HTMLDivElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to programatically interact with the element. Default:
undefined |
Slot Property | Type | Description |
builder | object | The builder attributes and actions to apply to the element if using the |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-arrow | —— | Present on the arrow element. |